News & Legal Update

AZTAN’s Delegate will be attending the 10th East Africa International Arbitration Conference in Zanzibar which will be held on 23-25 August 2023. Mr. Tayeb Hassabo the Managing Partner will be present with My Sulaf Abu Baker the Resident Partner in Juba office and Mr. Swaileh the Resident Partner in Nairobi Office.
MS Safia joined the inaugurated session of Young Arbitrators Career Day, share shared her green fledgling and thrilling journey to access the international arbitration professional community...

AZTAN is keen to reserve its seat in the annual conference of the IBA which is the biggest gathering of legal professionals from around the world share experience, legal knowledge and development in the profession. This year Mr. Tayeb Hassabo will represent AZTAN Law Firm in IBA Annual Conference 2023, Paris- France and will be attending the two significant events of the African Forum and the Arab Forum.

Reserve Your Trademark in South Sudan


In the beginning of July 2023, the Ministry of Justice/Trademarks Office in South Sudan has released a legal update that the trademarks office has resumed receiving the applications for reservation of Trademarks. In 2014 the Ministry of Justice in Southern Sudan has established the Trademarks Office. However, the Trademarks Law is yet to be issued by the Parliament in South Sudan. In 201---, the Ministry of Justice issued a mandatory circular whereby the process for reservation of trademarks was formally ceased. Now, in pursuance to the new circular, applications for reservation of Trademarks can be submitted to the Trademarks Office.

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