Legal Reviews

Update 2021

The Ministry of Justice has issued Regulations amending the Fees of Companies, Business Names, Commercial Agencies, Patents, Trademarks, Partnerships, Industrial Designs, Contracts Notarization and Publishing in the Sudan Public Gazette. According to the Regulations the Fees have increased with effect from 27 July 2021. The Regulations published in the Republic of Sudan Gazette No. 1971 issued on 5/8/2021. 

صدر وزير العدل عددا من اللوائح تم بموجبها تعديل الرسوم على الشركات وأسماء الاعمال وتسجيل ترخيص الوكلاء التجاريين و براءات الاختراع والعلامات التجارية وتسجيل الشراكات ورسوم الاعلان في الجريدة الرسمية وتوثيق العقود و رسوم النماذج الصناعيةالجريدة الرسمية لجمهورية السودان. وتسري التعديلات من تاريخ التوقيع عليها في 27 يوليو 2021. وتم نشر التعديلات في الجريدة الرسمية لجمهورية السودان العدد رقم 1917 الصادر في 5/8/ 2021.


On the 26th of December 2021, the Central Bank of Sudan issued the publication no. (7/2021) regarding the Controls of the Mobile Payment System and Services.


بتاريخ  26/12/2020 اصدر بنك السودان المركزي منشورا رقم (7/2021) بخصوص  ضوابط نظام وخدمة الدفع عبر الموبايل.

Update 2022

  20th January 2022is the effective date of the Resolution issued by the Taxation Chamber on Cancellation of the Personal Income Tax Exemption for (i) Workers in the Public Sector who spend 25 years in service or reached the age of 50 years (ii) Workers in the and Private Sector who reached the age of 50 years.

ابتداء من 20 يناير 2022 يسري نفاذ قرار ديوان الضرائب  الخاص بإلغاء إعفاء ضريبة الدخل الشخصي للفئات التالية

        •  العاملين بالقطاع العام  الذين أكملوا  25 سنة في الخدمة أو بلغوا من العمر 50 عاما

        •  العاملين في القطاع الخاص الذين بلغوا من العمر 50 عاما.

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AZTAN recognizes its social responsibility towards the community and also its responsibility towards other categories in the business sector which need legal support to grow e.g.  the young entrepreneur’s business initiatives and starts ups.

In addition AZTAN has built a wide platform with international institutions for collaboration and provision of legal  updates specifically in relation to doing business in Sudan & South Sudan.

AZTAN delivers legal assistance to individuals on the basis of pro bono and under the governance of the Advocacy Law of 1983.

AZTAN Law Firm has built a dynamic team of advocates, young associates, inhouse lawyers and part time specialist to provide comprehensive legal assistance and consultations on pro bono basis.

Areas of Pro Bono Engagement

  • Call of Ministry of Justice or Sudanese Bar Association.
  • Assistance required by the poor individuals.
  • Human rights and non profits and NGOs.
  • The young entrepreneur’s business initiatives and starts ups. 
  • Government and semi government support in promoting investment in Sudan.

Key Partner Organizations

  • Public entities e.g. Competition and Prevention of Monopoly Practices Counsel.
  • International Organization e.g. World Bank, AZTAN has contributed in the researched carried out by the Global Indicator Group in the World Bank.
  • AZTAN has contributed in updating of the “Arbitration in Africa: a Practitioner’s Guide”

Recent successes:

  • Enforcement of Rule of Justice by always standing up to protect the human rights in Sudan and defending the individuals of Sudanese revolution against the unjustified arrest and illegal detention and torture by the military government.
  • Provide legal assistance to the young entrepreneur’s initiative of Kaheela Project.

AZTAN created a website “” in support of the collaborative efforts of the revolutionary Government in promoting foreign investment in Sudan. The website is an informative platform for all investors and interested parties.